
BasestatsareanimportantdefiningcharacteristicofeachPokémonspecies.Belowappearsalist,sortablebycolumn,ofPokémonandtheirbasestats, ...,WhenaPokémongrowsalevel,itsstatswillincrease.Foreachlevelgained(ignoringNature),statswillincreaseby1/50thebasestatvalue,and1/100the ...Basestats·ListofPokémonbybasestats·Statmodifier·Damage,ExploretheultimatePokémonGOdatabase.AllthePokémonstats,moves,counters,spr...

List of Pokémon by base stats in Generation VII

Base stats are an important defining characteristic of each Pokémon species. Below appears a list, sortable by column, of Pokémon and their base stats, ...

Stat - Bulbapedia, the community

When a Pokémon grows a level, its stats will increase. For each level gained (ignoring Nature), stats will increase by 1/50 the base stat value, and 1/100 the ... Base stats · List of Pokémon by base stats · Stat modifier · Damage

Pokémon GO Database

Explore the ultimate Pokémon GO database. All the Pokémon stats, moves, counters, sprites, and where to find them. Catch'em all with our comprehensive guide.

Generation 5 new Pokémon stats

This is a list of all the Pokémon from Generation 5 (Black, White, Black 2 & White 2). It includes the base stats of every new Pokémon and form introduced.

Pokémon Pokédex: list of Pokémon with stats

The Pokédex contains detailed stats for every creature from the Pokémon games, up to and including the latest Scarlet/Violet games.

Pokémon UNITE Character Stats

Pokémon UNITE Wiki Database | View all Pokémon Stats, Moves, and best Items, or create your own Boost Emblem loadout and Pokémon Build! | Unite-DB.

Pokemon with stats

721 Pokemon with stats and types.

Pokémon Stats Explained – EVIVNature Training Guide

For fast attackers we will max out Speed and Attack (or Special Attack). For slow attackers we will max out HP and (Sp.)Attack. For defensive ...

Serebii.net Pokédex

Click here for the Pokémon X, Y, Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire listings. Rank, Nat No. Pic, Name, Type, Abilities, Base Stat, Total Base Stat. HP, Att, Def, S.Att ...

Base statsstatsIVsEVs — VGC guide

There are six core stats of Pokémon— HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Each Pokémon in a battle will have a different value for ...